The Demon of Brownsville Road

Hidden deep within these walls, something ethereal lies watching and lurking.”

This is a story that begins all the way back to the 1980’s. An All-American family, in New Jersey, were in search of the ideal home to grow up in and create lasting memories. The Kramer family, consisting of Bob, a former army officer, his wife, Lisa, and their four kids Jessica, Bobby Jr., David, and Charles.

Bob and Lisa were married in 1986 after Bob left the army and took up a job with AT&T in New Jersey. At the time, they were hunting for a bigger home for their family and wanting to move back to Bob’s hometown in Pennsylvania. Suddenly, he stumbled upon a house from his childhood that happened to be for sale. He always stated that he had some strange emotional attachment to that house and wanted to immediately buy the house.

While touring the house, Bob questioned the realtor about the history of the place. “Is there anything wrong with the house,” he asked. The realtor instantly denied anything, but stated that there had been several catholic mass services conducted in the house. To which, Bob felt that was odd. Regardless, Bob and Lisa put a lowball bid on the house thinking the owners would want to haggle, but to their surprise they accepted the offer right away. Seemed as if they were in a hurry to get out of that house. Again, it struck them as odd and maybe a “too good to be true” scenario. Nevertheless, they closed the deal and moved in right away.

At first, everything seemed calm and normal. Then, as time went on, random activity started occurring. Doors would open and close on their own. Lights would flip on and off. The so-called “paranormal activity” would happen in waves they said. They later described disembodied footsteps echo through the hallways. They soon chalked it up to being an old house, which was declared a historic landmark in Pennsylvania, and that they may have a Casper on their hands. Just a friendly ghost making his or her presence known. Overtime, tensions in the household began to rise and Lisa and two of the kids started showing signs of mental health disorders that lead to hospitalization.

In 2003, Bobby Jr. violently attacked his dad while he was sleeping which landed him in jail. In 2004, Jessica, the oldest, moves back into the house in the 3rd floor apartment with her husband, Tom, and her son, Colin in hopes of bringing the family closer together. At that time, Bob had an elderly aunt living with them that passed away due to natural causes.

At one point, Bob hears strange noises coming from the closet underneath the stairs. He opens the door and finds nothing, but being raised Catholic he places a Bible and a rosary next to the closet. He also wraps the beads around the chain of the light bulb in the closet. As he walked away, he heard the clinking of the beads. He turns back and finds the beads wrapped around the light fixture.

He immediately grabs his Bible and kneels down to pray. While praying, he gets the strong feeling that there is a presence in the room with him. He stated that he felt the weight of someone pressing on his shoulders and eyes watching him.

A few weeks later, Tom, Jessica’s husband goes to check on his stepson and sees a woman standing over his bed. Assuming it’s Jessica, he calls out to her and the figure turns to him and rushes towards Tom before disappearing. With his grandson frightened, Bob decides to stay with him while he sleeps and lies in the bed next to him. Starting to fall asleep, Bob hears banging within the walls followed by a sharp pain shooting down his neck and into his chest. He runs to the bathroom and sees in the mirror 3 red claw marks.

Soon after these events, they decide to call Father Mike Sylvania from their local Catholic Church. He agrees to come and bless their home. He goes through each room and corridor; even the basement. Upon heading upstairs, he notices a strong unwelcoming presence. From then on, every moment is filled with anxiety and dread amongst the family. Their case even garners the attention of the Bishop and Father Ron Linguin. The family requests an exorcism of the house, but before the church can sanction an exorcism further investigation must be made.

Fr. Linguin tells the family the bishop is close to approving the exorcism, but requests an outside third party that is non-religious to conduct their own investigation. They find a paranormal investigation team from Penn State lead by Adam Blythe. Unbeknownst to Bob, Adam is asked to do a psyche evaluation on him and the entire family

Adam declares everyone sane.

Throughout the investigation, Adam hears the same noises that Bob did coming from the downstairs closet.

When Adam takes a closer look in the closet, he finds a hidden room behind the walls. Within the room, he sees an alter still standing with a piece of paper lying next to it. On the paper, it appeared to have the name of the original owner written on it.

What they also noticed is what seemed to be the name Moloch etched onto the paper. Adam and his team immediately started researching this name. Turns out Moloch is a demon referred to in the Old Testament of the Bible. A demon that dates back to the Canaanites, that the people would sacrifice their children to. This made Adam jump out of his seat.

They did some more digging and discovered that the land where the house is built was the site of a gruesome battle between the natives and the settlers back in the 1790’s near what was called Fort Pitt. Another crew scanned the land and found an old burial plot of at least 4 bodies buried in the front yard. Wonder if the realtor knew about all this??

During their research, they found that a disgruntled worker on the house had it in for the owner, Dr. James Merton Mann. Supposedly, he placed a curse on the house because the doctor conducted illegal abortions on the premises which contributed to his wealth. Which would account for the presence of Moloch and the associated demon Sathi. However, this was never confirmed.

The church followed through with the exorcism in September 2005. About 3 months went by without incident, then the paranormal activity started up again. But the Kramer family never left. They stood their ground and continued on with the blessings of the house for the next couple of years. Finally, things started to stay calm and they began to believe the entities had vanished.

In March of 2015, their son David, mysteriously passed away. Unfortunately, the whole ordeal had taken its toll on Bob and Lisa’s marriage and they finally called it quits in 2018 after 37 years. In 2019, Bob turned the house into a bed and breakfast called, Brownsville Road House.

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